In the wake of the reality of the last year, (not to mention the last decade) with the 'free world' falling steadily into disrepair, I feel I need to exercise my freedom of speech on an open internet while I still can.
There is no doubt in my mind that US President Barack Obama is a liar and a fraud.
There's no doubt in my mind that 9/11 was an inside job to motivate and justify now nearly a decade of ongoing war in the Middle East.
There's barely a doubt in my mind that 'Anthropogenic Global Warming' is paid for, pseudo-scientific propaganda, created to try to manipulate people and governments into accepting 'green' policies which will end up crippling the world economy.
And already my doubts are slipping as to whether the BP oil spill was on some level intentional.
I won't try to convince. The evidence is everywhere. It's simply a matter of objective enquiry.
Resort to that old chestnut 'pffff - conspiracy theories...', but remember: there are more and more rational people turning into 'conspiracy theorists' every day, and I can assure you that none of those people want the day to come when they have to say "I told you so."
Start your own enquiry. And try to keep in mind:
The role of government is a naturally erosive force on any constitution. If you aren't aware of your rights, it's not going to be the government who reminds you.
Went back to class and finished the A4 Moleskine last week on a few portraits. It was quite quiet. The housewives seem to have moulded themselves to their electric blankets. The hands of old ladies fused to metal bannisters and old parking meters. May you thaw before you draw.
Been neglecting the blog the last few weeks, but hey, I've been working, not to mention those fucking documentaries(!), and my multi-tasking abilities are severely stunted. I also had a slight drama at the drawing class, bolted at tea, and haven't been back in 2 weeks. I'm no good in the morning. And now it's winter...
The good news is I've updated my portfolio, and finally made that gleeful transition out of the freebie realms of Google to a personal domain space at I have 100 free email addresses. I'
PS. I swore I wouldn't go there, but good luck Bafana Bafana for the Fiendish Illicit Fucking Assholes World Cup 2010!
PPS. Since I'm going there, good luck to the people of the USA for your revolution against the Police State your saviour Obama is busy selling you down the river toward. Arrest those thieving bankers!